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Batman the Animated Series Season 1 Episode 60

Batman the Animated Series Season 1 Episode 60

Fire from Olympus
Season 1, Episode threescore
Fire from Olympus Title Card.jpg
Air date May 24, 1993
Directed by Dan Riba
Written past Judith Reeves-Stevens
Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Music by Shirley Walker
Airdate Sequence
Read My Lips
Shadow of the Bat Part I
Production Sequence
His Silicon Soul
Read My Lips

Burn From Olympus is an episode of the get-go season of Batman: The Animated Series. This episode is notable for introducing the classic comic book villain, Maxie Zeus to the series.

"Fire from Olympus" was the 63rd produced episode and the 60th episode aired.


Believing himself to be the reincarnation of the Greek God Zeus, mad aircraft magnate Maxie Zeus hijacks an experimental electron cannon. Mounting the weapon atop his penthouse, Maxie plans to rain 'lightning bolts' down on the wicked mortals' of Gotham City.


The mysterious human being with a lightning rod

A clear night in Gotham Metropolis, Commissioner Gordon walks to a street corner, waiting for someone who has not showed upwards all the same. On the next cake, the man is looking for Commissioner Gordon, but instead he comes beyond a couple of men who know him. The man tries to run but his escape is thwarted by a vehicle and a dead terminate street. From the car comes a large human being armed with a lightning shaped-staff and using the weapon he creates a large explosion. Gordon hears the noise and goes to the place of the attack and finds the human he was supposes to run into, laying on the floor, barely live. The man is taken to the infirmary and the nurse informs Gordon that the injuries were acquired by a lightning bolt, which doesn't make sense because the night was clear.

Subsequently that night, Gordon summons Batman to the Gotham City Police force Department to discuss the events of the nighttime. Gordon likewise informs Batman nearly the disappearance of a powerful weapon known as Electronic Discharge Cannon, or EDC. Batman finds a link between the attack on the man and the missing weapon. Both events are related to the Maximillian Aircraft Lines as the man used to work for that company and the weapon was supposed to be transported past them as well.

Maxie Zeus

At the main headquarters of Maximilian Shipping Lines, the possessor, Maximillian Zeus is at the pinnacle of the unusually large edifice, which is built to wait similar a greek temple. His conselor and partner, Clio is talking to "Maxie" nearly the wrong dealings the company has been dealing with ever since he started working for mob bosses and mafia; merely Maxie replies that he can't exist bothered with footling humans problems. At that moment, they notice an unusual noise coming from beneath of the building and Maxie looks over the ledge and notices the Batplane budgeted. Eagerly, Maxie informs Clio of the arrival of his blood brother "Lord Hades". Batman steps outside of the Batwing and Zeus welcomes him as the brother he thinks Batman is. Clio finds her mode out and leaves them lonely. Batman asks Zeus about the EDC, just Zeus refuses to answer any sort of questions and after a while, he bans Batman from stepping into "Olympus" again.

Downwards on the street, Clio notices the Batwing leaving and she feels worried for Max. Clio then goes abode and stares at a moving-picture show of her and Maxie before he started acting like the Greek God he believes he is. Batman appears inside her abode and he offers her help to recover her beloved and she explains about the dealings Maxie started some fourth dimension ago and together they plan something to end Maxie from pain anyone else or himself.

Batman versus a snake

Clio goes to the Olympus building and parks her motorcar on the parking beneath the building. Once within, she lets Batman out of her truck and before she notices, he is gone. Clio goes up to the lift, but she is stopped and captured by Maxie'south henchmen before she could reach the elevation. They take Clio to Maxie and he displays a bit of his ability by firing the EDC to a Police Blimp and takes it down in flames. Zeus so commands his men to necktie Clio to the cannon so she can be reborn every bit a goddess and rule by his side.

Meanwhile, Batman climbs to the top of the edifice using the ventilation shafts. Zeus notices this and sets a number of traps for Batman to overcome. Start, Batman must confront a big snake, which he defeats using knockout gas from his Utility Belt. Then, Batman faces against a wild boar and he tries to tame it with his Batrope. Withal, the pig is stronger and Batman is thrown out of the building and lands on a ledge, midway to the peak of the building. Using his Grapple Gun, Batman reaches the top.

Clio is tied to the cannon and Maxie is ready to fire the weapon, but Batman prevents it by throwing a Batarang at Zeus. Batman takes Maxie and slams him against a tabular array and after that, he reaches Clio, unties her and puts her on a safety identify. Maxie seizes the chance and retrieves his lightning staff, which he uses to stun Batman and pushes him off the ledge of the building in one case again. Maxie goes to commencement the cannon sequence again while Batman climbs dorsum to the elevation and takes Maxie'due south staff, uses information technology as a javelin and hurls it towards the cannon, breaking a side of information technology. Zeus is drastic to recover his staff and jumps to get it, but as soon every bit he grabs information technology, the electrical accuse from the cannon struck his whole body and knocks him down.

Zeus is finally home

Afterwards, Maxie Zeus is being taken past some orderlies to his cell. Maxie believes that he has finally reached Olympus as he starts looking at the many "gods" surrounding him. He thinks Poison Ivy is the Goddess Demeter, Two-Face is the God Janus and Joker is Hermes. Finally, Zeus is placed in his cell in Arkham Asylum and he couldn't exist happier.


Actor Part
Kevin Conroy Batman
Bob Hastings Commissioner Gordon
Bess Armstrong Clio
Nicholas Savalas Stavros & Alex (uncredited)
Steve Susskind Maxie Zeus
Vernee Watson-Johnson Doctor

Batman the Animated Series Season 1 Episode 60

Source: https://batmantheanimatedseries.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_from_Olympus

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